基本的に「革」は食肉用の 「皮」 が流通し利用されます。 皮が再利用されなければ償却費が食肉に転化され、放置されれば衛生面で問題が生じます。 リサイクルという言葉が生まれる遥か前から、人間は頂いた命を無駄にせず使い切るという仕組みを確立してきたのです。 動物の命を大切にすべく、無駄なく最後まで使い切ることこそが頂いた命への感謝と、地球環境への配慮へと繋がるとわれわれは考えています。まさに私たちは、自然の一部なのです。更に環境への配慮として、天然染料とアゾフリー染料の革を中心に使用、接着も人体と環境に影響のない水性のものを積極的に取り入れるなどの取り組みを行っております。私たちは伝統的な技術と革新的で環境に優しい素材を融合させ、環境と調和する物造りを目指しています。 弊社バングラデシュ自社工場は国際基準に適合していることの保証ともなる、 国際規格のIOS(国際基準化 機構にも認定されています。
Traditionally, “leather” is widely used and circulated as “skin” processed for meat consumption. If this skin is not reused, the depreciation cost is ultimately passed on to the price of meat, burdening consumers. Moreover, if left untreated, the skin poses significant public health risks due to potential sanitary issues. Against this backdrop, long before the concept of recycling became commonly recognized, humanity had established mechanisms to honor the lives given to us by making sure nothing is wasted and everything possible is utilized effectively. By respecting and utilizing every part of the animal without waste, we express gratitude for these lives and reduce our environmental footprint. This ethos is grounded in a deep recognition that humans are an integral part of nature.
Our commitment to the environment extends to our choice of materials. We focus on using leather dyed with natural and azo-free dyes and actively employ water-based adhesives that are harmless to both human health and the environment. These efforts showcase our dedication to blending traditional techniques with innovative, environmentally friendly materials to create products in harmony with the environment. Furthermore, our own factory in Bangladesh is certified under international standards by IOS (International Organization for Standardization), guaranteeing that our products meet global quality benchmarks. Through environmentally conscious production, we aim to fulfill our responsibility to the planet and contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.